Now that the formidable and laughable bingo clan is formed under the leadership of the hotdog queen Yeeteng, i feel the SENSE OF BELONGING (okay cliche) to the mpxII family. previously my fondue proposal was put to obsoleteness due to some TM infringement, and also canoe has taken up most of my time! so sorry guys and gals, now i am back!
it's really great to know my team mates better, getting ideas from them like..
1 Writing number 10 twice on my bingo paper, so i can win faster
2 Using my mini fridge to toast the BREAD
3 hotdogs = sausages

dog in heat, instead of cats...
and finally.......
5 Naming my future son Rotarian
car washing was a totally new experience for most of us, i don't even help my Dad wash his car!! lots of profs and a small number of generous students decided to trust novice like us to handle their
"my preciouuussss" (think smeagol). kudos to their courage!!

some cars are in total wreck, damn atrocious la! these cars are highly suspected to have car washed once every few months when clubs like us organise carwash fund raising, otherwise, their car must have looked like the PERFECT TOILET to the birdies.
future doctor, who is highly likely to run a part time car wash business also, yiLin, reported a total of 700++ of profits!! very very cool!!
this week is crazy, running around the school but i guess it's one of the most fulfilling week for us in MPX2 right! keep the morale high.... PRESS on for BEATTY project by Yong Ming!!
- Kelvin