Recce trip!
how's everyone doing!!? i just finished pia-ing my project.. soooOO not gonna do last min work anymore.. anyway was browsing through my Cambodia pics den i realised that i din post some of the recce pics here! in july ALan and Eliss and Changhao (Immediate Past president of RacNUS) and Honsun (past member of Rotaract aka the guy who help us pull strings to get cheap cheap malaria pills) and Me of course.. went recce for MPX 2 project.. had nights of discussions amongst ourselves and with Thearith and his club members.. to iron out as much detail as we possibly could.. remember the restaurant with nice nice lighting where Zhenping joined us for dinner? THAT was the VERY PLACE that a meeting between both clubs were held (think i told some of you).. and we sat exactly the same place.. hence when MPX II went there to makan i felt rather emotional.. haha anywayyzz yups.. these are some of the recce pics! wayyyy before the library was built!

at the Vietnam Border! super budget man!

notice the background of the picture

kids showing us around the government school

2 Rotaract CLubs outside the nice nice restaurant

this festival that takes place in july.. kids act as giant dolls to collect donations for the pagodas
wah swee leh.....not hinting to me anything right????
i cannot take hints one...LOL
no not hinting anything lehh!! haha
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