"participate in an overseas community trip to Cambodia"
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Advertisement for Freshmen coming to NUS..pissed me off abit..haha!

i believe no one volunteerism event, be it adhoc or long term is "better" or more "attractive" than another. I really dunno why overseas community service projects appeal so much to pple who dun have a heart to volunteer at all. might as well not start. if one were to start den might as well not end. u get what i mean. the way i see this advertisement is almost as if going overseas for community projects are 'more meaningful' than those in locally. i might have caught the message the incorrect way but if i am feeling this way i guess there are others who haven seen this advert might as well. why dun they just put "opportunities to participate in volunteering programmes"? or just drop the whole volunteering thing altogether? would people actually choose NUS over the rest just because you can go Cambodia? perhaps its time that people in developed countries stop trying to HELP other people for the sake of thinking they are in the BETTER position to, cos we simply are not!
i suppose the word "CAMBODIA" appeals to those souls who believe that the people over there NEED mORE HELP than those in Singapore. I mean how many of you actually agree nikun and sokphua and gang NEED our HELP? how many times have you tried to explain to your friends that well.. sometimes we are so much of a hindrance.. its really about the experience and how we apply it to the local context. ultimately i believe its an exchange of cultures and exposure and experience. well.. you may think otherwise.. its perfectly fine by me... hee