Many Smiles =)
Was talking to Yongming today and realise that both of us had the same question in mind.
"Wonder what the Cambodian kids are doing for Chinese New Year?"
There's a Chinese saying: 每逢佳节倍思亲. I think the kids, to me, do feel like an extend family. Perhaps it is their sensibility, sincerity & cheerfulness that attracts me most.

From the memory lane, the smiles that are everlasting. Happy CNY to MPX2!
"You don't stop laughing because you grow old. You grow old because you stop laughing." ~ Michael Pritchard
P.S. From the dvd, I selected some photos with smiley faces and also uploaded another photo album know as "Ming Sing Xie Zhen Ji"
1. Smiles of a thousand kids
2. Ming Sing
hi, just want to drop a short note to thank you for putting up photos of Ming Sing. as you may hve heard from amanda, Ming Sing already has a small-time "sponsor", who is none other than myself :) the last i saw of the child was sometime in early June 2005, when i made a trip to Koh Krobey during my 2 week solo backpacking trip just before i started work.
It's good to see that Ming Sing looks healthy and well. if i'm lucky, i may be able to take time off to visit him in May 2006. wish i could hve joined you guys for MPX 2, but i guess the realities of working life after uni take precedence over such simple pleasures.
anyway, thanks once again!
kind regards,
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