Thursday, February 16, 2006


Some thoughts while having my SW lecture Urban Youth WOrk, conducted by my favourite lecturer/tutor.. Dr Timothy Sim.. SChool, Workplace and Media..

and so we were discussing about Learning IN schools with proper curriculum and all..what will the students lack at the end of the day? Is learning more beneficial outside school den? i guess learning CAN be done outside proper institutions, given our experience in Cambodia.. and Sokphua and gang probably learn most of their stuff thru trial and error, hantam and whack and see how it goes spirit. Is that when we TRULY learn? hmmm...

IQ: Intelligence Quotient
EQ: Emotional Quotient
AQ: Adversity Quotient hmmm...

"It takes a Village to raise a Child"

-- an ancient African proverb

I guess with this Singapore has not succeeded, yet.


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